there's something about watching fireworks that is absolutely wondrous and doing so with a crowd of people just as awed as you are seem to make it even more exciting. maybe it's why they so aptly called the event the "Fellowship of Fire".
i planned to watch this: the World Pyro Olympics at the SM Mall of Asia (MOA) as soon as i heard it was happening again (it's an annual event!) maybe a couple of months ago. however, as the date neared, i almost thought i wouldn't be able to make it due to either heavy rains or schedule conflicts. luckily, nephew Jasper was having birthday and planned to do dinner at Hawaiian Barbecue which was right by the bayside at MOA. and why not? wouldn't it be the coolest to have spectacular fireworks on your birthday? May 31 was smack on the last day of the weekly pyro event.
people here, people there...but geez!...i think maybe about ten thousand or so other people planned to be at the same venue that last day of the Pyro Olympics. MOA was teeming with people! thank goodness i happened to score some free tickets for the special lounge area under the auspices of the
Photographers' Club of the Philippines (PCP) and
Sir Ross Capili. otherwise, i think just finding a place to comfortably set a tripod would be quite problematic.
people everywhere...i arrived somewhat early but i had to seat my family first at the restaurant. when they were set in, Jasper and i tried to find the entrance to the VIP viewing section and found it almost at the other end of MOA. the cool breeze by the bayside was relaxing and the sunset was spectacular so i attempted to shoot that too. will post them maybe tomorrow.
birthday boy JasperJas left after i settled in and daughter Gabey came in to accompany me. as i waited for her, it occurred to me that should have studied up first on shooting fireworks before that day. however, it was too late so i just sent out a prayer to the shutter gods and hoped to luck in with the correct camera settings. i didn't even expect it would be quite difficult to catch fireworks! they're so unpredictable!!! and i couldn't decide where to aim my camera seeing so many spectacular bursts of light. next year i hope to be more prepared, less overwhelmed and hopefully get better photos. below are my catch for the day. the album may also be
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